
Emr Design Studio: Valentines Day Photo Template FREEBIE

Her Post: I mentioned before over at our fan page 2012 is the year for new beginnings. This new year Emr Design Studio will open its doors to the public. We will also provide some freebies here and there such as templates, graphics, icons, etc. Make sure to become a fan and subscribe to our feed to stay informed.In the meantime, here is our first freebie. Our Peace and Love 5 x 5 Trifold photo template card, just in time for Valentine's Day. It is designed to fit WHCC and Miller's templates.
Click HERE to visit the FREEBIE.

Makin' Cute Blogs: How to Put Randomly Rotating Ads on your Sidebar in Blogger

He Post: Have you ever wanted to randomly rotate your sponsor’s advertisements on every page refresh? I have finally figured this one out for you!! It is pretty simple too. What is even better, is that it works with any size advertisement! Click HERE to view the Tutorial.
Source: makincuteblogs.com


Pretty Darn Cute Designs: Free Bill Organizing Printable

Her Post: In an effort to stay organized this year I’ve designed a printable Bill tracker. Anything due between the 1st and the 15th goes under the 1st. Anything due at the end of the month, after the 15th, goes under the 15th. Keeps things simple :) Oh, and it’s free. Enjoy!

Click HERE to visit the Freebie.

Pretty Darn Cute Giveaway!

Their Post:

We are giving away not 1, not 2, but

3 Modern Blogger + Genesis bundles!

Valued at $79.95 each!!

Click HERE to view the site.



Tutsplus: 30 Days to Learn HTML and CSS

Their Post:
Even if your goal is not to become a web designer, learning HTML and CSS can be an amazing tool to have in your skill-set – both in the workplace, and at home. If this has been on your to-do list for some time, why don’t you take thirty days and join me? Give me around ten minutes every day, and I’ll teach you the essentials of HTML and CSS.
And don’t worry…we start at the beginning!
Click HERE to visit the course...

Hongkiat: Photoshop Facebook Cover Template

Their Post:
So you have enjoyed the entire showcase, and would like to get really creative on your timeline cover? You can actually do it now! For certain reasons Facebook haven’t release the feature officially yet, but you can activate the feature by walking though some very easy steps.
We want you to focus just on the cover’s design, so we’ve created a Photoshop template exclusively for you to do the instant design and preview. Download it to make your editing process absolutely easier!
To Download the template click HERE, enjoy the post and scroll to the bottom of it and follow instructions.

How much does a blogger really makes?

Are you interested in knowing how much does blogging may provide for you? Well, with a lot of patience and hard work you could be making a lot. But if you don't believe me then see for yourself. The owner of Famous Bloggers has been publishing how much he's making and from which sources. So click HERE to view one of his reports.

Tutsplus: Learn jQuery in 30 Days

Their post: Each day you'll be sent a free video lesson. At the end of the month, you'll be able to confidently use jQuery in your projects, without help. Are you interested?
Here is the link: learnjquery.tutsplus.com

Katelyn Brooks Designs-New Feature: Tips for Better Blogging

Her post: I’m no expert at blogging.  Not even close (but if you’re looking, I know of a few people that are!)  However, I did blog for two years and gained ten followers and then gained over 100 followers in five months.  During those 2+ years I’ve come to a few realizations that I wish someone had told me from the get go.  I thought here would be a fun place to share them, since I expect all of you are looking for ways to improve your blog! Click HERE to view her TIP.
 Source: katelynbrookedesigns.com


The Blog Designer Network: How to Format the Menu Bar in Blogger

Their post: In Blogger you can easily add a menu bar underneath the header area to display your pages.  However, usually the menu bar does not come formatted and looks unsightly on blogs that have been customized.  Here is a quick and easy way to format this menu! Click HERE to view the complete Tutorial.

Source: Theblogdesignernetwork.com

Dawn by Design: Adding a blog header in Blogger

Her Post: OK – there are a few ways you can upload a header in Blogger. I’m going to say that the best thing you can do for yourself is to make sure you start out with the exact dimensions that you need. The most vital piece of information you’ll need for this is the width. So, let’s go get it.

To view the tutorial click HERE 


Blog Guidebook: How To Place A Button In Your Sidebar

Their Post: If you are a super newbie to blogging you may wonder how everyone got all those cute buttons lined up in their sidebars? Not sure what a sidebar is? A sidebar is the column to the left or right of the main posting space. Some bloggers choose not to have sidebars at all.

Buttons are cute little icons that are made to represent a blog...usually in a smaller pixel* format, like 150x150. A lot smaller than one's banner/header pixels.

So, if you love a blog or a product and want to show the world you care about that item or blog, then you'll want to copy and paste the code they offer beneath their button. If they don't have code posted, then all you have to do is right click the "picture" of the button and save it to your desktop as a .jpeg*. If code is available all you have to do is copy and paste. (BTW, you don't want the code to show when you add the button).
To read the complete tutorial click HERE 
Source: Blogguidebook.com

Kevin and Amanda: Add a “Pin It” Button to Your Posts

Fan of kevinandamanda.com! Free Fonts. Recipes. Scrapbooking. Photography. Blog Design. Tutorials. Giveaway. Everything you're into!
Their post: If you scroll down to the bottom of any post here on Kevin & Amanda, you’ll see a “Pin It” button that you can click on to pin the image of your choice onto Pinterest. Adding a “Pin It” button of your own is so ridiculously simple to do! Here’s a quick tutorial that will show you how to automatically add a “Pin It” button of your own down at the bottom of every post on your blog, for Blogger, Blogspot, and self-hosted WordPress blogs.To follow the complete Tutorial click HERE
Source: kevinandamanda.com

Restored 316 Designs: Free Photoshop Shapes

Her Post:
It’s been a really long time since I’ve shared any freebies, so I thought I’d put some together for my visitors!
These are custom Photoshop shapes that you can use in your Photoshop software. I’m not sure if these can be used in Photoshop Elements, but if someone here finds that they do or don’t work, would you just let me know in the comments.

And I’m going to be super generous, and allow these to be used commercially with no credit required. I remember when I first started designing, I was in search of some cool graphics to use in my web designs, and not only are they hard to find, but you have to keep track of all the license information. Ugh! I don’t want you to do that! So use them as you wish! Just don’t resell them… obviously!
 Click HERE to get the Freebie.
Source: restored316designs.com

Junelily: Free Printable Valentines Card

Her post: It’s love at first sight when you take a look at these Free Printable Valentine’s Cards! Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so I wanted to make sure that you had this set in time to give to your loved ones.Created with love, each little card is 2.5 inches by 1.5 inches and the entire set of 18 cards will print onto one letter size (8.5 inches by 11 inches) piece of card stock paper. Please share the love and tell a friend or two about these free printable valentines. Enjoy! Click HERE to get the Freebbie.
Source: junelily.com

Makin' Cute Blogs: Shabby/Vintage Button Set Freebie

From her shop: This is a set of 7 png (transparent background), Shabby, Vintage buttons.  These would add a great touch to any vintage design.  Enjoy this set on me… it’s Free! This set is for Personal AND Commercial Use (limited), please read my Terms of Use before downloading. All files are in PNG format.

Click HERE to go to the FREEBIE.
Source:  makincuteblogs.com

Artemisa Blog Design: FREE February Desktop Calendar

Here is her post: HAPPY Valentine's day!!! LOVE is the best thing you can feel . Artemisa Blogs & Web brings for you this cute and lovely February Computer Background. Have fun & enjoy!!!

Click HERE to visit the Freebie.
Source:  artemisablogdesign.blogspot.com
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