
Restored 316 Designs: Free Photoshop Shapes

Her Post:
It’s been a really long time since I’ve shared any freebies, so I thought I’d put some together for my visitors!
These are custom Photoshop shapes that you can use in your Photoshop software. I’m not sure if these can be used in Photoshop Elements, but if someone here finds that they do or don’t work, would you just let me know in the comments.

And I’m going to be super generous, and allow these to be used commercially with no credit required. I remember when I first started designing, I was in search of some cool graphics to use in my web designs, and not only are they hard to find, but you have to keep track of all the license information. Ugh! I don’t want you to do that! So use them as you wish! Just don’t resell them… obviously!
 Click HERE to get the Freebie.
Source: restored316designs.com

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